Mad Men – Whiskey Glasses

Mad Men – Whiskey Glasses

Mad Men is one of those shows that everyone knows – your grandmother used it as background noise while cooking, your mother watched it because she had a crush on Jon Hamm, while you just kept wondering how they keep on releasing new episodes. Needless to say, this dramatic TV series kept many eyes occupied,…

Hicks Hexagon Walls, Floors and Socks – Inspired by The Shining’s Carpet

Hicks Hexagon Walls, Floors and Socks – Inspired by The Shining’s Carpet

Stanley Kubrick’s horrifying drama The Shining left no stone unturned. From the recognizable The Shining’s carpet to the wide-lens shots and the gruesome acting techniques, this horror made a true impact on the world of cinematography. Even decades later, it often appears in random movies through suggestive scenes and interior design pieces. The shining carpet…