Dress Up Like Ken Carson from Toy Story 3
If you are looking for a good Ken Carson costume for Halloween or a big cosplay event, here’s the winning formula for creating the most exciting outfit of the party! Let’s see how to dress up as Ken Carson from Toy Story 3.

Ken Carson from Toy Story 3 Outfit Guide
Shopping List for Ken Carson from Toy Story 3 Costume & Outfit
From the franchise’s debut in 1995 with the release of the first Toy Story movie, Disney Pixar could never have predicted how many childhood memories they would be creating. Full of that child-like nostalgia and some of the best animated characters to come out of a movie, it is eventually in Toy Story 3 (2010) that we get to meet the Ken to our Barbie.
So follow our guide below to create the perfect Ken costume, to transform into the fashionista himself.

Getting to Know Ken
When we return to the world of Toy Story in 2010 for the third movie, we find Andy, now 17 years old, contemplating what to do with his old toys as he heads off to college. Accidentally donated by Andy’s mum to the local daycare center, Sunnyside, the toys have to choose whether to stay and live under the tyrannical rule of the cruel Lotso, while still being played with. Or finding their way back to Andy, and being boxed up for storage in the attic.

Kenneth “Ken” Carson, voiced by Michael Keaton, is living at Sunnyside Daycare Center when we first meet him. Eager to follow Lotso’s orders Ken rushes from his dream home to meet and greet Andy’s toys, spotting and falling in love with Barbie through the crowd. However, things take a turn for the worst when Andy’s trusty toys realize he is Lotso’s second in command, and easily manipulate him with Barbie’s help to reveal all the gang’s plans and secrets.
We have already explained in detail how to Dress Up Like Andy from Toy Story and Dress Up Like Sid from Toy Story
In the following, we will show you how to create a convincing Ken Carson look. Have fun!
Getting Ken’s Look
So start your own version of the Ken costume from Toy Story 3, with a blue cheetah print short sleeved shirt tucked into a pair of light blue chino shorts with a gold buckled, khaki fabric belt around your waist.
Choosing the right shirt could be quite tricky as you want to make sure to replicate the print, so either a t-shirt or shirt would work. Just remember if you do go for a button-up shirt to leave most of the buttons undone with your chest out.
Pair your blue shorts and cheetah top with some dark blue suede loafers and a pale blue silk neckerchief to tie around your neck, before moving on to getting Ken’s hair styling correct.
Tip: Shoes with Shorts: Channeling Screen Stars’ Summer Style!
Kens Hair
As with his wardrobe full of elaborate outfits in his Dream House, Ken likes to take care of himself and be styled everyday. So to get that same level of styling for your Ken costume you will want to focus on getting his hair right. The easiest way to do that is with a wig. Purchase a light brown wig with short thick hair parted to the left with a full side sweep.
Just remember that throughout the third movie we see that Ken is bullied and unfairly treated by the other members of Lotso’s gang, constantly calling him a girl’s toy. But even though he stays with the gang initially, it is eventually Barbie who he chooses to be with. So when dressed in your completed Ken costume keep a lookout for your own Barbie.
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