Crows Over Wheat Field by Vincent Van Gogh in Dreams of Akira Kurosawa

Logman Gallery’s Inspiring Connection: When Famous Artworks Inspire Iconic Movie Scenes

Art and cinema have always had a close relationship, with many filmmakers taking inspiration from famous works of art. The use of paintings as a visual reference has become a common practice in film, with many directors employing this technique to create memorable scenes. In this article, we will explore the fascinating world of paintings…

The Shining - 1980 Danny On the Carpet

Hicks Hexagon Walls, Floors and Socks – Inspired by The Shining’s Carpet

Stanley Kubrick’s horrifying drama The Shining left no stone unturned. From the recognizable The Shining’s carpet to the wide-lens shots and the gruesome acting techniques, this horror made a true impact on the world of cinematography. Even decades later, it often appears in random movies through suggestive scenes and interior design pieces. The shining carpet…