Dress Up Like Leo from Little Einsteins
If you are looking for a good Leo costume for Halloween or a big cosplay event, here’s the winning formula for creating the most exciting outfit of the party! Let’s see how to dress up as Leo from Little Einsteins.

Leo from Little Einsteins Outfit Guide
Shopping List for Leo from Little Einsteins Costume & Outfit
If you want an adorable costume for your next costume party you’ll want to consider Leo of the Little Einsteins. What could be cuter? And making your own Leo costume will be easy after reading this DIY guide. Leo is the main character on Little Einsteins, an educational children’s television show created by Eric Weiner, Olena Hewryk and developed by Douglas Wood.

Recreate the Leo Little Einsteins Costume
Leo is the 6-year-old leader of a group of musically gifted children who go about solving missions around the world. The Little Einsteins introduce different cultures and unique places found as they go on their adventures. They love to explore and they love to sing. Leo was inspired by a composer from long ago, Leopold Stokowski. Leo loves not only singing but also conducting music. He never leaves home without his conductor baton.
The Leo costume is very simple. All you need is a pair of orange shorts, a black t-shirt with an orange stripe across the chest, a pair of orange and black sneakers, and some green framed glasses.
To go a step further you can wear green contact lenses and spray your hair a reddish-orange color. Just add a music conductor’s baton and you can be on your way in a great Leo from the Little Einsteins costume for your dress-up event or for a trip on your favorite rocket ship.
Here is how to Dress Up Like Annie from Little Einsteins.
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