Dress Up Like Jordan Belfort from The Wolf of Wall Street
If you are looking for a good Jordan Belfort costume for Halloween or a big cosplay event, here’s the winning formula for creating the most exciting outfit of the party! Let’s see how to dress up as Jordan Belfort from The Wolf of Wall Street.

Jordan Belfort from The Wolf of Wall Street Outfit Guide
Shopping List for Jordan Belfort from The Wolf of Wall Street Costume & Outfit
If you’re looking for a character to dress as who is clean cut in a suit and tie but still has a bad boy side to him, consider Jordan Belfort from The Wolf of Wall Street for your next cosplay event or costume party. If you are accompanied by a woman in Naomi Belfort’s outfit, you will surely become the superstar of every cosplay event.

Before we move on to Jordan’s costume, who is he actually?
Jordan Belfort is the main character of the 2013 Martin Scorseser film, The Wolf of Wall Street, which is based on the true story of a young stockbroker making his way to the top, Jordan Belfort. Leonardo DiCaprio plays the role of Jordan Belfort and does such a convincing job that you sometimes forget you are watching an actor play a part.
Belfort’s rise to the top has him living the high life. Drugs, money, power, sex, and crime are all a part of his life before his empire is taken down by the feds.
Giorgio Armani and The Wolf of The Wallstreet
Costume designer, Sandy Powell, was in charge of dressing the cast in 1990’s fashion. She brought in the help of Giorgio Armani and Leonard Logsdail to create the suits worn by the cast. Logsdail created pieces for the actual crew of Jordan Belfort and his wolves of Wall Street back in the 1980s and 1990s. It is said that they would sometimes mistake the tailoring chalk on the suits for lines of cocaine. (Source: GG Magazine)
“The Armani look of the ’90s was among the most influential menswear styles of the era, and we strove to capture that same legendary look with the help of Mr. Armani and his team,”
Powell explained.
Armani said in an interview with WWD that it was quite clear why DiCaprio’s character Jordan Belfort wears his suits.
“The era of power dressing on Wall Street projected tremendous amounts of resolute strength. I remember the period well, when my deconstructed suiting emerged as an emblem of success,” said the designer. “The complex character of Jordan Belfort required a look with the same unmatched nerve and sense of self.”
Armani in an interview with “WWD.”
The fresh shirts and elegant suits fit perfectly with the elegant film character.
It was also quite clear forMartin Scorsese, which designer he wanted for his costumes.
“Giorgio Armani revolutionized male fashion design. He gave us a new idea of elegance that fit perfectly then and still does today. Giorgio and I have worked together very often in recent years and it was a pleasure to do it again – to go back in time and tell a story that authentically shows the style of the early 90s,”
said the director.
You want to dress like the flashy, high profile Wall Street broker Jordan Belfort?
Jordan Belfort is seen relaxing in white linen on his yacht or casually dressed in a polo shirt and pleated pants but it’s his powerful business look that we are focusing on in this guide.
- You’ve gotta have a classic pinstriped suit, to begin with. If you can find a vintage 1990s style suit it would be perfect.
- Wear a button up dress shirt underneath and choose a tie with a geometric or striped pattern that screams 1990.
- Add a pair of dress shoes and a flashy gold watch, comb your hair back and you are ready to flaunt yourself into the crowd in a great Jordan Belfort costume.
If you’re looking for another iconic character costume designed by Sandy Powell, don’t miss our guide on recreating Lestat de Lioncourt’s mesmerizing look from Interview with the Vampire. Dive into the dark world of vampires and embody this immortal character with our detailed costume tutorial.
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