Dress Up Like Dr. Horrible from Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog
If you are looking for a good Dr. Horrible costume for Halloween or a big cosplay event, here’s the winning formula for creating the most exciting outfit of the party! Let’s see how to dress up as Dr. Horrible from Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog.

Dr. Horrible from Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog Costume Guide
Shopping List for Dr. Horrible from Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog Costume & Outfit
For your next Hallloween or dress up party why not go for a bit more of a musical villain and recreate the Dr. Horrible costume from Dr. Horrible’s Sing Along-Blog, the 2008 internet sensation. The original costume, that we are going to talk you through how to recreate, was all the work of costume designer Shawna Trpcic.

The musical comedy-drama miniseries, was produced exclusively for internet distribution only, and consists of three acts that are roughly 14 minutes long. Our all singing Dr. Horrible, is an aspiring supervillain with his own video blog and a dream to join the prestigious Evil League of Evil. Just because our Villain has genius level intelligence doesn’t stop all of his evil plans and schemes getting foiled by the superhero of the story Captin Hammer.
Attire and Accessories for Dr. Horrible’s Look
Like all genius level, aspiring super villains our Dr. Horrible costume will start with a lab coat. The lab coat worn in the miniseries has a full front and closes with buttons on the right shoulder. It would be good to try to get a similar lab coat rather than just a standard one, so it might be worth having a look online.Try to find a suitable Caduceus patch that you could attach to the left chest area of your Dr. Horrible lab coat as well.
Pair your lab coat, with its newly attached patch, with a pair of beige cargo trousers, white rubber boots worn more commonly by scientists and a thick pair of white gloves. The look we are recreating here for our Dr. Horrible costume is very similar to that of a crazy scientist.
Hair and Final Touches
There is no need for make-up to fully embody the Dr. Horrible costume, instead at this point focus on getting his hair right. Honestly it’s not much of a style, but take some hair gel and run it through the hair on the top of your head. You are looking for your hair to look a bit tousled and be sticking up haphazardly. A bit like you might have tried to rip it out when your latest scheme was foiled again.
Finally add a pair of green goggles with dark lenses to complete your Dr. Horrible costume. Wear them pushed up onto your forehead rather than over your eyes. This way you’ll be able to see that callous, vain, selfish superhero Captain Hammer next time he tries to stop you from achieving your place in the Evil League of Evil.
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