Fan Faves: Top 10 Gift Ideas for Doctor Who Fans
Doctor Who, the iconic British sci-fi series has captivated audiences for literal decades. As fans traverse the universe alongside the ever-regenerating Time Lord, we’ve curated the 10 best Doctor Who gifts that pay tribute to the show’s ingenuity, imagination, and enduring legacy. From TARDIS-themed decor to items inspired by beloved companions, each Doctor Who gift is a nod to the boundless wonders of the series and the enduring appeal of the enigmatic Doctor.
Sonic Screwdriver
So, here is the bottom line; every single fan of Doctor Who wants their own Sonic Screwdriver. It is the quintessential accessory, and it varies from Doctor to Doctor. This particular option is great for any fan, because it’s a kit that allows them to mimic their favorite Doctor’s own Sonic, or to use their imagination and design a unique one for themselves! But regardless of whichever option you choose for you fan, just remember; it doesn’t do wood.
The 10th doctor just before his saddest hour
In the heart-wrenching Doctor Who episode “Doomsday,” the scene where the 10th Doctor explains the intricacies of the Void, sporting his iconic 3D glasses, is a pivotal moment etched in fans’ memories because it’s a final exciting and happy moment before the Doctor and Rose are ripped away from eachother by the Void. A gift associated with this scene such as a pair of 3D glasses are a tangible link to the series’ silly science fiction the couples so well with the emotional damage is wrought upon fans.
The 10th Doctor’s Retro 3D glasses
In the show, David Tennant’s 10th Doctor used these retro anagraph 3D glasses to identify Void Stuff and other such sciencey anomalies (which you can see in the scene above). This Doctor Who gift includes two authentic glasses like the ones seen in the show, as well as a display box for storing them. So your Doctor Who fan can decide if they want to be extra nerdy and wear them out and about, or set them out as home decor (or both!). As a fun added element, you can also let them know that there is some Doctor Who 3D content online that words with the blue and red 3D glasses!
Time Lord Fairy Tales
Because Doctor Who has such a wide and dedicated fandom, over the years a lot of written content has emerged as extensions of the show. This option, a collection of seemingly familiar narratives with not-so-familiar settings, is a fun and unexpected Doctor Who gift for the fan in your life. Whovians both youn and old will enjoy reading the stories, which are meant to be the ancient, rediscovered bedtime stories of Gallifreyan children. Fans will enjoy the typical narratice twists that they’ve come to associate with the series, as well as the beautiful wood-cut style illustrations.
Dalek Glass
Over such a long life, The Doctor has made a lot of enemies, but no enemy is more iconic then the Daleks. They’re known for their merciless hatred of all non-Dalek kind, and for tinnily screaming “EXTERMINATE” over and over again. Well this next Doctor Who gift pokes a bit of fun at the Dalek catchphrase, while encouraging fans to have a bit of fun as well, by having the word “Intoxicate!” engraved on a whiskey glass. A Dalek would hate it, so the Whovian receiving this gift should consider it their not-so-solemn duty to enjoy it!
Gallifreyan Pendant
Gallifrey may be lost, but it’s language is not, including the beautiful circular writing seen throughout the show. Fans know that there is no official canon in the Whoniverse, but over the years the fandom has created an accepted cipher for translating words to Gallifreyan. Fans also know how important names are within Time Lord culture. The Doctor’s name isn’t really the Doctor, but their original name remains a mystery all these years later. With all of this in mind, an authentic yet subtle Doctor Who gift for the fan in your life is this silver or gold pendant, personalized with their name in Gallifreyan!
One of the most immaculately scripted and performed scenes of the series.
In the Doctor Who episode “Big Bang,” we heard one of many profound quotes from the 11th Doctor; “We’re all just stories in the end”. This quote, and the message to make sure your story is a good one, resonates deeply with Doctor Who fan of all ages. This moment, so well performed by Matt Smith, encapsulates the series’ exploration of time and existence and prompts reflections on life’s narrative arcs. Fans appreciate the wisdom conveyed through the Doctor’s words, and discussions in fan forums delve into the existential themes the quote encapsulates. Doctor Who gifts that remind fans of this scene, such as the quote bracelet below, will allow the fan in your life to carry a daily reminder of the deeper message in addition to being a token from their favorite show.
Quote Bracelet
Here’s a bracelet to go with their new Gallifreyan necklace, but this piece of jewelry features that classic TARDIS blue color as well as a very popular quote from the series (the 11th Doctor to be specific), from the scene above; “We’re all stories in the end. Just make it a good one.” Doctor Who is well known for having many, MANY iconic quotes, but this one is particularly meaningful for fans, who have taken it as valuable words to live by. This Doctor Who gift is a great option for the fan in your life who loves the show not just for the adventure (and not just for David Tennant’s hair..), but for moments like this one that genuinely shape their perspective on life, the universe and everything (woops, wrong franchise!).
Here are two very british subjects; tea and Doctor Who. So this Doctor Who gift combines those two things in the form of a lovely ceramic TARDIS teapot. It even has the sensation of being bigger in the inside, by actually including a mug with the teapot; they stack on top of one another! You can imagine the fan in your life brewing up their cuppa and then sitting in front of the TV and enjoying it while they also enjoy their favorite show.
River Song’s Diary
Hello Sweeties! Alex Kingston’s River Song is a fan favorite character from the show Doctor Who, so a great gift for a fan of the show and of Dr. Song is this replica of the diary she uses to keep track of her mixed up timeline with the Doctor. It was given to her by the Doctor, and it deliberately mimics the form and color of the TARDIS. It is a Doctor Who gift that isn’t obvious to anyone who isn’t familiar with the show, and is a fun way for the fan in your life to sneak a bit of their favorite show into school or into the office.
Petrichor Candle
In the episode “The Doctor’s Wife” during the run of Matt Smith’s 11th Doctor, there is a moment where companions Rory and Amy must psychically communicate a password to the Matrix; Crimson Eleven Delight Petrichor. It wasn’t enough to think the word; they had to imagine the meaning. In this way, fans who didn’t know it before discovered that the word petrichor is used to describe the smell of dust after it rains. A unique and meaningful Doctor Who gift for the fan in your life could be this petrichor scented candle. You could wrap it in a crimson box; eleventh doctor fans will be delighted!
Doctor Who Mad Libs
Fans of Doctor Who know that there is a lot of nonsense going on in general, and that’s especially true with any words that come out of the Doctor’s mouth during any explanation. Fans of the series can engage in their own bingle bondle dingle dangle-ing with this gift of a Doctor Who Mad Libs book! It’s a great way for them to feel more intimately connected with the Doctor (particularly the 10th) and their shenanigans, while at the same time being a fun and practical Doctor Who gift (and one they probably wouldn’t think of!)
As the sonic hum of the TARDIS fades and the echoes of “wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey” adventures linger, we raise a Gallifreyan salute to the timeless brilliance of”Doctor Who. These carefully selected Doctor Who gifts serve as symbols of appreciation for the Doctor’s ability to transcend time and captivate generations. Whether you’re taking a treat from a TARDIS cookie jar or donning an accessory inspired by the characters, let these Doctor Who gifts be a reminder of the limitless possibilities that unfold within the blue police box. To fellow Whovians, may these gifts keep you ever ready at the drop of a hat (maybe it’s a fez?) for another journey through the cosmos.
Doctor Who, the iconic British sci-fi series has captivated audiences for literal decades. As fans traverse the universe alongside the ever-regenerating Time Lord, we’ve curated the 10 best Doctor Who gifts that pay tribute to the show’s ingenuity, imagination, and enduring legacy. From TARDIS-themed decor to items inspired by beloved companions, each Doctor Who gift is a nod to the boundless wonders of the series and the enduring appeal of the enigmatic Doctor.
So, here is the bottom line; every single fan of Doctor Who wants their own Sonic Screwdriver. It is the quintessential accessory, and it varies from Doctor to Doctor. This particular option is great for any fan, because it’s a kit that allows them to mimic their favorite Doctor’s own Sonic, or to use their imagination and design a unique one for themselves! But regardless of whichever option you choose for you fan, just remember; it doesn’t do wood.
The 10th doctor just before his saddest hour
In the heart-wrenching Doctor Who episode “Doomsday,” the scene where the 10th Doctor explains the intricacies of the Void, sporting his iconic 3D glasses, is a pivotal moment etched in fans’ memories because it’s a final exciting and happy moment before the Doctor and Rose are ripped away from eachother by the Void. A gift associated with this scene such as a pair of 3D glasses are a tangible link to the series’ silly science fiction the couples so well with the emotional damage is wrought upon fans.
In the show, David Tennant’s 10th Doctor used these retro anagraph 3D glasses to identify Void Stuff and other such sciencey anomalies (which you can see in the scene above). This Doctor Who gift includes two authentic glasses like the ones seen in the show, as well as a display box for storing them. So your Doctor Who fan can decide if they want to be extra nerdy and wear them out and about, or set them out as home decor (or both!). As a fun added element, you can also let them know that there is some Doctor Who 3D content online that words with the blue and red 3D glasses!
Because Doctor Who has such a wide and dedicated fandom, over the years a lot of written content has emerged as extensions of the show. This option, a collection of seemingly familiar narratives with not-so-familiar settings, is a fun and unexpected Doctor Who gift for the fan in your life. Whovians both youn and old will enjoy reading the stories, which are meant to be the ancient, rediscovered bedtime stories of Gallifreyan children. Fans will enjoy the typical narratice twists that they’ve come to associate with the series, as well as the beautiful wood-cut style illustrations.
Over such a long life, The Doctor has made a lot of enemies, but no enemy is more iconic then the Daleks. They’re known for their merciless hatred of all non-Dalek kind, and for tinnily screaming “EXTERMINATE” over and over again. Well this next Doctor Who gift pokes a bit of fun at the Dalek catchphrase, while encouraging fans to have a bit of fun as well, by having the word “Intoxicate!” engraved on a whiskey glass. A Dalek would hate it, so the Whovian receiving this gift should consider it their not-so-solemn duty to enjoy it!
Gallifrey may be lost, but it’s language is not, including the beautiful circular writing seen throughout the show. Fans know that there is no official canon in the Whoniverse, but over the years the fandom has created an accepted cipher for translating words to Gallifreyan. Fans also know how important names are within Time Lord culture. The Doctor’s name isn’t really the Doctor, but their original name remains a mystery all these years later. With all of this in mind, an authentic yet subtle Doctor Who gift for the fan in your life is this silver or gold pendant, personalized with their name in Gallifreyan!
One of the most immaculately scripted and performed scenes of the series.
In the Doctor Who episode “Big Bang,” we heard one of many profound quotes from the 11th Doctor; “We’re all just stories in the end”. This quote, and the message to make sure your story is a good one, resonates deeply with Doctor Who fan of all ages. This moment, so well performed by Matt Smith, encapsulates the series’ exploration of time and existence and prompts reflections on life’s narrative arcs. Fans appreciate the wisdom conveyed through the Doctor’s words, and discussions in fan forums delve into the existential themes the quote encapsulates. Doctor Who gifts that remind fans of this scene, such as the quote bracelet below, will allow the fan in your life to carry a daily reminder of the deeper message in addition to being a token from their favorite show.
Here’s a bracelet to go with their new Gallifreyan necklace, but this piece of jewelry features that classic TARDIS blue color as well as a very popular quote from the series (the 11th Doctor to be specific), from the scene above; “We’re all stories in the end. Just make it a good one.” Doctor Who is well known for having many, MANY iconic quotes, but this one is particularly meaningful for fans, who have taken it as valuable words to live by. This Doctor Who gift is a great option for the fan in your life who loves the show not just for the adventure (and not just for David Tennant’s hair..), but for moments like this one that genuinely shape their perspective on life, the universe and everything (woops, wrong franchise!).
Here are two very british subjects; tea and Doctor Who. So this Doctor Who gift combines those two things in the form of a lovely ceramic TARDIS teapot. It even has the sensation of being bigger in the inside, by actually including a mug with the teapot; they stack on top of one another! You can imagine the fan in your life brewing up their cuppa and then sitting in front of the TV and enjoying it while they also enjoy their favorite show.
Hello Sweeties! Alex Kingston’s River Song is a fan favorite character from the show Doctor Who, so a great gift for a fan of the show and of Dr. Song is this replica of the diary she uses to keep track of her mixed up timeline with the Doctor. It was given to her by the Doctor, and it deliberately mimics the form and color of the TARDIS. It is a Doctor Who gift that isn’t obvious to anyone who isn’t familiar with the show, and is a fun way for the fan in your life to sneak a bit of their favorite show into school or into the office.
In the episode “The Doctor’s Wife” during the run of Matt Smith’s 11th Doctor, there is a moment where companions Rory and Amy must psychically communicate a password to the Matrix; Crimson Eleven Delight Petrichor. It wasn’t enough to think the word; they had to imagine the meaning. In this way, fans who didn’t know it before discovered that the word petrichor is used to describe the smell of dust after it rains. A unique and meaningful Doctor Who gift for the fan in your life could be this petrichor scented candle. You could wrap it in a crimson box; eleventh doctor fans will be delighted!
Fans of Doctor Who know that there is a lot of nonsense going on in general, and that’s especially true with any words that come out of the Doctor’s mouth during any explanation. Fans of the series can engage in their own bingle bondle dingle dangle-ing with this gift of a Doctor Who Mad Libs book! It’s a great way for them to feel more intimately connected with the Doctor (particularly the 10th) and their shenanigans, while at the same time being a fun and practical Doctor Who gift (and one they probably wouldn’t think of!)
As the sonic hum of the TARDIS fades and the echoes of “wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey” adventures linger, we raise a Gallifreyan salute to the timeless brilliance of”Doctor Who. These carefully selected Doctor Who gifts serve as symbols of appreciation for the Doctor’s ability to transcend time and captivate generations. Whether you’re taking a treat from a TARDIS cookie jar or donning an accessory inspired by the characters, let these Doctor Who gifts be a reminder of the limitless possibilities that unfold within the blue police box. To fellow Whovians, may these gifts keep you ever ready at the drop of a hat (maybe it’s a fez?) for another journey through the cosmos.