10 Gift Ideas for Killers of the Flower Moon Lovers
Killers of the Flower Moon is the latest film from one of the greatest directors in the history of world cinema, Martin Scorsese. It is the latest triumph in his esteemed filmography and is already considered by many to be one of his best and one of the best films of recent years. The exploration of the Osage people’s deception, based on a true story, is one of the most emotional environments he has entered as a filmmaker. And in the end, the movie is a triumph – a beautifully told ode to the Osage people, a lament for the injustice they suffered – and a desperate cry that their story not be forgotten. With that in mind, here are the gift recommendations from someone who holds Scorsese in high regard.
Cashmere Shawl Fringe Poncho
For fans of the film, not just because of the story but also because of what it represents, this is the perfect gift to celebrate the holidays in style, while taking healthy inspiration from the Osage manner of dress which is depicted in the film. The film depicts the illustrates brought upon the Osage people, while also celebrating the richness of their culture and traditions. This shawl is emblematic of such culture, in a similar style to multiple worn by Mollie in the film, and is the perfect Killers of the Flower Moon gift for this holiday season.
Read: The Significance and Traditions of the Killers of the Flower Moon Outfits
Lily Gladstone’s performance as Mollie Burkhart is the highlight of the film for many fans.
This scene is one of the most illustrative of Mollie’s character, highlighting her good-hearted nature. It is also incredibly well-acted by Lily Gladstone, displaying the sublety necessary to properly depict the complexity of the plight of the Osage people. The shawls she and her sisters wear in this scene are vibrant and protective, serving a functional purpose as well as aesthetic, similar to the one shown above. This scene, and others like it, where Gladstone displays an incredible amount of range, are just a part of the reason that her performance is already being regarded so highly among fans.
Killers of the Flower Moon – David Grann
The book on which the movie is based, David Grann’s “Killers of the Flower Moon”, similarly exposes the sinister conspiracy against the Osage people. The book depicts the tragedy of the Osage as vividly as Scorsese, revealing a shocking story of betrayal and injustice that echoes through time and sheds light on a dark chapter in American history that demands both remembrance and reflection. For any fans of the movie who want to learn even more about the true story on which the movie is based, this book is the perfect gift to do just that.
An Indigenous People’s History of the United States – Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz
This book describes a similarly tragic story, but on a much larger scale, and offers a crucial perspective that complements Grann’s narrative. Dunbar-Ortiz traces the roots of systemic injustice and weaves a comprehensive tapestry of Native history, connecting the plight of the Osage to broader patterns of colonization and exploitation. Together with Killers of the Flower Moon, this book forms a compelling tandem that fosters a deeper understanding of the ongoing struggles of indigenous communities and challenges conventional historical narratives, just as Scorsese does in his incredibly progressive film.
Movie Poster
This movie poster is honestly one of my favorite posters of late. The use of color, composition, and perspective give it such a menacing feel that anticipates the experience of the film in a way that few posters manage to do. Especially in this day and age where the poster is more of an afterthought than something that is considered truly artistic, this poster is a breath of fresh air as its inherent beauty as a standalone image complements the movie perfectly and prepares you for the rollercoaster of a movie that will follow.
Cowboy Hat
Giddy up! While the main characters of this film are seldom seen to be riding horses, they do in fact adorn the attire of the traditional cowboy. The image of the wild west, albeit out of its glory days, is very much at use within this film, and the costuming is brilliantly designed to reflect the environment of the characters. One specific element which stands out are the hats which all of the main white male characters wear throughout the film. Their use is very symbolic, but it also creates the opportunity to bring the cowboy hat back into fashion! I’m all for that.
This intense scene, one of many in the film, also features the soon-to-be iconic outfits of two of its stars.
Another reason this film has been released to so many lauding reviews is because of the immersion with which the viewer is brought into the film’s world. From the masterful set design, to the meticulous attention to detail in speech, everything is considered in order to make the viewer believe in this world which the film constructs. In this film, the costuming is also an essential part of creating this feeling for the viewer, and in this scene, the cowboy hats of the two characters play a large part in establishing their identity in the context of the world they live in.
A Personal Journey With Martin Scorsese Through American Movies
The history of American cinema travels over a long period of time and covers a wide range of styles and periods. For somebody with an interest in learning more about the topic, it can be difficult to even know where to start. But thankfully, this book does a lot of work for the interested individual, with Scorsese himself providing in-depth analysis on the long history of American cinema over its many changes and iterations. For somebody who was a fan of Killers of the Flower Moon, this book can be a great way to further tap into Scorsese’s intellect.
8 1/2 Movie Poster Print
Fellini’s widely celebrated 8 1/2 is widely considered by cinephiles to be one of the greatest films of all time. This group includes Scorsese, who is on record in a number of interviews praising the Italian film giant for his innovative use of film form. This includes his experimentation with subjective reality, time, and the inclusion of meta elements in his films in a manner which was far ahead of his time. 8 1/2 is the most well-known work of Fellini, and anybody you know who loves and respects the work of Scorsese is sure to enjoy this high-quality printing of a film poster which surely must have inspired him.
Travis Bickle Military Jacket
Travis Bickle is one of the most well-known characters in film history. From his distinct demeanor and personality, expertly portrayed by Robert De Niro, to the many well-known moments which make up Taxi Driver, he is a character which has entered a new level of the cultural lexicon. The most iconic look from his character has to be the military jacket which he wears during the film’s extended climactic sequence. It is for this reason that this jacket ends up on this list, because a fan of Killers of the Flower Moon is sure to enjoy this somewhat niche yet widely recognizable piece of film history.
Striped supsenders worn by Ernest Burkhart (Leonardo DiCaprio)
For anyone who enjoyed “Killers of the Flower Moon”, these striped suspenders worn by Leonardo DiCaprio’s character Ernest Burkhart make a lovely gift. The meticulous costume design by costume designer Jacqueline West elevates each outfit to a narrative art form. These suspenders, a tasteful nod to the character’s style, express the visual richness of the movie. They are a thoughtful gift for fans that seamlessly bridges the gap between the movie and fashion, offering a piece of the movie’s allure. These retro suspenders are a portal to the lost elegance of a bygone era.
Martin Scorsese: A Journey
To be able to say you witnessed somebody, in any field, operating at the top of their profession is a rare feat. In the 90s people had Michael Jordan, before him, Elvis Presley, the “king of rock.” In the present day, it’s my belief that we can say the same about Scorsese. He is an absolute master of his craft, in a way that few can say. His sustained success over such a long period of time, during which many directors have come and gone, only adds credibility to his stardom. This year, with the release of Killers of the Flower Moon, Scorsese proved that he is still at his peak. For any film enthusiast who wants to learn more about such an important figure in the field, this book is the perfect means to do so.
So that wraps up this discussion of Killers of the Flower Moon gifts for fans of the film, in addition to fans of Scorsese as a director, and cinephiles in general. This selection of gifts reflects the rich cultural history that is represented in the film, the injustice suffered by the Osage people, beautifully depicted by Scorsese, and the importance of Scorsese as a figure in film history.
It is my hope that anybody who enjoyed Killers of the Flower Moon will be able to find something useful for their loved ones this holiday season within this list. For both those who have been introduced to Scorsese’s work in this film, to those who have kept up with every release, there is something in this list for everybody who loved this film.
Killers of the Flower Moon is the latest film from one of the greatest directors in the history of world cinema, Martin Scorsese. It is the latest triumph in his esteemed filmography and is already considered by many to be one of his best and one of the best films of recent years. The exploration of the Osage people’s deception, based on a true story, is one of the most emotional environments he has entered as a filmmaker. And in the end, the movie is a triumph – a beautifully told ode to the Osage people, a lament for the injustice they suffered – and a desperate cry that their story not be forgotten. With that in mind, here are the gift recommendations from someone who holds Scorsese in high regard.
For fans of the film, not just because of the story but also because of what it represents, this is the perfect gift to celebrate the holidays in style, while taking healthy inspiration from the Osage manner of dress which is depicted in the film. The film depicts the illustrates brought upon the Osage people, while also celebrating the richness of their culture and traditions. This shawl is emblematic of such culture, in a similar style to multiple worn by Mollie in the film, and is the perfect Killers of the Flower Moon gift for this holiday season.
Read: The Significance and Traditions of the Killers of the Flower Moon Outfits
Lily Gladstone’s performance as Mollie Burkhart is the highlight of the film for many fans.
This scene is one of the most illustrative of Mollie’s character, highlighting her good-hearted nature. It is also incredibly well-acted by Lily Gladstone, displaying the sublety necessary to properly depict the complexity of the plight of the Osage people. The shawls she and her sisters wear in this scene are vibrant and protective, serving a functional purpose as well as aesthetic, similar to the one shown above. This scene, and others like it, where Gladstone displays an incredible amount of range, are just a part of the reason that her performance is already being regarded so highly among fans.
The book on which the movie is based, David Grann’s “Killers of the Flower Moon”, similarly exposes the sinister conspiracy against the Osage people. The book depicts the tragedy of the Osage as vividly as Scorsese, revealing a shocking story of betrayal and injustice that echoes through time and sheds light on a dark chapter in American history that demands both remembrance and reflection. For any fans of the movie who want to learn even more about the true story on which the movie is based, this book is the perfect gift to do just that.
This book describes a similarly tragic story, but on a much larger scale, and offers a crucial perspective that complements Grann’s narrative. Dunbar-Ortiz traces the roots of systemic injustice and weaves a comprehensive tapestry of Native history, connecting the plight of the Osage to broader patterns of colonization and exploitation. Together with Killers of the Flower Moon, this book forms a compelling tandem that fosters a deeper understanding of the ongoing struggles of indigenous communities and challenges conventional historical narratives, just as Scorsese does in his incredibly progressive film.
This movie poster is honestly one of my favorite posters of late. The use of color, composition, and perspective give it such a menacing feel that anticipates the experience of the film in a way that few posters manage to do. Especially in this day and age where the poster is more of an afterthought than something that is considered truly artistic, this poster is a breath of fresh air as its inherent beauty as a standalone image complements the movie perfectly and prepares you for the rollercoaster of a movie that will follow.
Giddy up! While the main characters of this film are seldom seen to be riding horses, they do in fact adorn the attire of the traditional cowboy. The image of the wild west, albeit out of its glory days, is very much at use within this film, and the costuming is brilliantly designed to reflect the environment of the characters. One specific element which stands out are the hats which all of the main white male characters wear throughout the film. Their use is very symbolic, but it also creates the opportunity to bring the cowboy hat back into fashion! I’m all for that.
This intense scene, one of many in the film, also features the soon-to-be iconic outfits of two of its stars.
Another reason this film has been released to so many lauding reviews is because of the immersion with which the viewer is brought into the film’s world. From the masterful set design, to the meticulous attention to detail in speech, everything is considered in order to make the viewer believe in this world which the film constructs. In this film, the costuming is also an essential part of creating this feeling for the viewer, and in this scene, the cowboy hats of the two characters play a large part in establishing their identity in the context of the world they live in.
The history of American cinema travels over a long period of time and covers a wide range of styles and periods. For somebody with an interest in learning more about the topic, it can be difficult to even know where to start. But thankfully, this book does a lot of work for the interested individual, with Scorsese himself providing in-depth analysis on the long history of American cinema over its many changes and iterations. For somebody who was a fan of Killers of the Flower Moon, this book can be a great way to further tap into Scorsese’s intellect.
Fellini’s widely celebrated 8 1/2 is widely considered by cinephiles to be one of the greatest films of all time. This group includes Scorsese, who is on record in a number of interviews praising the Italian film giant for his innovative use of film form. This includes his experimentation with subjective reality, time, and the inclusion of meta elements in his films in a manner which was far ahead of his time. 8 1/2 is the most well-known work of Fellini, and anybody you know who loves and respects the work of Scorsese is sure to enjoy this high-quality printing of a film poster which surely must have inspired him.
Travis Bickle is one of the most well-known characters in film history. From his distinct demeanor and personality, expertly portrayed by Robert De Niro, to the many well-known moments which make up Taxi Driver, he is a character which has entered a new level of the cultural lexicon. The most iconic look from his character has to be the military jacket which he wears during the film’s extended climactic sequence. It is for this reason that this jacket ends up on this list, because a fan of Killers of the Flower Moon is sure to enjoy this somewhat niche yet widely recognizable piece of film history.
For anyone who enjoyed “Killers of the Flower Moon”, these striped suspenders worn by Leonardo DiCaprio’s character Ernest Burkhart make a lovely gift. The meticulous costume design by costume designer Jacqueline West elevates each outfit to a narrative art form. These suspenders, a tasteful nod to the character’s style, express the visual richness of the movie. They are a thoughtful gift for fans that seamlessly bridges the gap between the movie and fashion, offering a piece of the movie’s allure. These retro suspenders are a portal to the lost elegance of a bygone era.
To be able to say you witnessed somebody, in any field, operating at the top of their profession is a rare feat. In the 90s people had Michael Jordan, before him, Elvis Presley, the “king of rock.” In the present day, it’s my belief that we can say the same about Scorsese. He is an absolute master of his craft, in a way that few can say. His sustained success over such a long period of time, during which many directors have come and gone, only adds credibility to his stardom. This year, with the release of Killers of the Flower Moon, Scorsese proved that he is still at his peak. For any film enthusiast who wants to learn more about such an important figure in the field, this book is the perfect means to do so.
So that wraps up this discussion of Killers of the Flower Moon gifts for fans of the film, in addition to fans of Scorsese as a director, and cinephiles in general. This selection of gifts reflects the rich cultural history that is represented in the film, the injustice suffered by the Osage people, beautifully depicted by Scorsese, and the importance of Scorsese as a figure in film history.
It is my hope that anybody who enjoyed Killers of the Flower Moon will be able to find something useful for their loved ones this holiday season within this list. For both those who have been introduced to Scorsese’s work in this film, to those who have kept up with every release, there is something in this list for everybody who loved this film.